One thing I missed, how could you be flattered that someone was snooping in your stuff? While there are ways to piss me off and get your calls and other messages ignored until I cool down, I discovered last that the only thing that can enrage me to the point that I will completely cut off contact with someone is unsubstantiated false accusations. I can take criticism, insults, and angry tirades, but falsely accusing me is an attack on my character and I will not tolerate it. This was at work, and I was not the primary contact person for the client organization, so it made it easy for me to mail back their $2000 check and refuse to accept their phone calls. They haven't been back since and I will not work with them if they do come back.
If you don't feel that my word is good enough, then you can find someone else who will put up with your suspicion. I will not willingly lie to someone I care about.