Originally Posted by Rekna
You are going to have a problem with heat and adding bigger fans won't help. You need some way to move the hot air out of the desk area. This could be done with liquid cooling if you had a hole in the desk to move water to and from a reservoir.
Also as others have said, don't just go buy expensive stuff because it is the best... You are going to pay a ton more for a very small increase in performance.
Just a quick aside here, it's the radiator not the reservoir that would need to be outside of the desk for liquid cooling.
IMHO it would still be a bad idea, long tube runs are NOT a good idea. The pressure drop alone plus trying to route the tubing for maintenance checks (at least once a week bare minimum) would leave me thinking it's not worth it.
There was an excellent thread on HardOCP about something like this but I can't seem to find it, the water experts seemed to think it was doable but not worth the trouble and aggravation involved. Also something about pump size to overcome pressure drop do the the length of tubing to reach outside of the desk while leaving enough slack to be able move the case to do checks. Possible tube kinking in the slack drew some comments also.
If I come across it again I'll edit an post a link.
Bigger fans were not really suggested that I could see, just better placement to get air movement in the cubby. Doesn't have to be a BIG fan, 80 or 90mm fan would make a huge difference in air movement meaning better temps.