Really interesting point, Spungfoo. When it comes to file-sharing, I vote with my $$: I buy independent bands' and labels' music and download stuff from the majors. (Which doesn't make it right, but I don't care about right when it comes to a corporate industry who's stacked the deck so unfairly against artists and independents.) There are some sites like that offer sample downloads of indie bands, and that's how I tend to discover newer music. I'll also buy bands that I'd like to encourage the major labels to support, e.g. the Flaming Lips or Queens of the Stone Age, White Stripes, etc.
But the porn on TFP--never thought about it. I've felt the impulse to buy something like a Suicide Girls shirt from their site (because punk girls rule), but I've never really thought about any of the other sites whose stuff has pretty unambiguously been ripped off. Hmm. I've got no answers.
Didn't/doesn't Halx run some porn sites? He might be good to get in on this conversation...