Originally Posted by aceventura3
What her point was, and what my point is - how is the government going to allocate limited health care resources. I stated that I do not trust Washington bureaucrats. This is my number one concern regarding the "public option". If someone has addressed that, please direct me to it - I have not seen it.
Originally Posted by aceventura3
Sorry for not connecting all the dots for you. I think the long-term plan is to have a single payer system.
My apologies. I answered your QUESTION instead of reading your mind about what you really were asking. You asked about the public option proposal--silly me for answering about the public option proposal. You wonder why people feel they can't get anywhere in conversations with you? Bob. Weave.
Since I did answer your question, you got anything to say about my answer (post 281)?
Originally Posted by aceventura3
If I felt we could put adequate controls in place I could actually support a single payer system for base health care for everyone with supplemental plan options for those wanting more. If people actually took some time discussing my concerns (rather than attacking them), I could easily be converted - I do see the many problems with our current system and I support 100% health care for children and I support all senior citizens and disabled people having single payer health care - so for me it is a small leap to address the issue for those between 18-65.
Well, me too. What controls would you need to see?