I've been a runner for three weeks exactly. From here out, every Saturday until the middle of December, when I run my first half-marathon, I'll be running the furthest I've ever run in my life.
I'm doing LOTS of runs each week that are pretty close to the same distance. So far my pace varies by as much as a minute and a half, depending on what time of day it is, what the temperature is, what I've eaten and when, what sort of music I'm listening to, what the traffic is like, whether it's windy, whether my wife kissed me goodbye before leaving for work, whether my shoelaces are tied tight enough, whether the last page of the book I'm reading was even or odd-numbered, etc, etc, etc.
I imagine that if your tolerance for timing is in the seconds range, you're not talking much distance. Say some more about the kind of running you're doing.