Since Woodstock happened 40 years ago this weekend, I'm wondering what the US would look like if we had 40 years of far left Democrat and Green based politics since 1969?
VOA News - Woodstock Encapsulated an Era of Social, Political Protest
Well, obviously, marijuana would be legal.

But, I would think that a lot of the wars would have either not be entered into by the US, or they would have been fought differently. People would be focused more on helping others and community service. Environmental concerns and living life with what you can make is more impressive than excessive consumerism and wasteful/polluting lifestyles. And nudity would be considered natural to some extent.
Woodstock's security force was briefed late that morning by none other than Babbs. Babbs was one of the more experienced acid trippers. "I guess they had me do it because I was in the Marines," Babbs said. "I told them that if someone was hassling someone else, then they should help the person who was in trouble. Keep an eye out for people who need help. Other than that, it was nobody else's business what they did. "They asked about drugs, and I told them not to worry about it. I said, 'There are going to be so many drugs around, you're not going to be able to keep track of any of it.'"
It sounds like a much better police model than we have today at sporting events and concerts. There would be hundreds of police/security trying to control the masses if a concert like that happened today.