Originally Posted by powerclown
"Keep your laws off my body" has been a rallying cry of liberals, and the pro-choice movement in particular, for decades. The concept is that medical procedures are so intensely personal that government, regardless of its intent, should not be involved in the decisions.
Yet when it comes to the Democrats' health care plans, liberal supporters of keeping the law off their bodies now are saying, "put your laws all over my body." Government will make medical decisions not only as to the womb, but every other body part; and not just that, government policies as to which procedures and medicines are cost-effective will decide life and death. Imagine what will happen if/when a pro-life, evangelical fundamentalist ever gets into power. Corporations (and their ideologies) will be in charge of your body.
Are we able to think beyond today? Do we really want the government all over our bodies just because we like the current President and Congress? Then be prepared to live with the consequences when you have a President and Congress you don't like.
None of the proposals currently in place put coverage decisions solely at the hands of the government, and in any case something is always better than nothing, and they can't stop anyone from getting any procedure through supplemental insurance or anything like that. And in any case, minimal standards of benefits and so on are already regulated.