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Old 08-16-2009, 07:59 AM   #16 (permalink)
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Is there any way you can cut a hole in the back of the computer's cubby? You're just not going to get enough airflow in that thing. Those desks were designed for pentium 2's at best, and they were dicey even back then. Most desk designers are thinking about looks and whether or not a tower will physically fit. They aren't thinking about cooling the computers, and they probably have no idea how a computer is actually put together or how it works. Heat is going to be the last thing on their minds.

A modern computer will suffer greatly in such a small enclosure. If it's not physically damaged by it, you will have random reboots and freezes as heat overwhelms the machine. You're going to have to figure out how to get more air in there, or you will have to put the computer on the desk or something. If we were specing a shuttle PC for web browsing and email checking that'd be one thing, but you want a monster gaming machine, and that's going to generate a metric crapton of heat.
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