Originally Posted by runtuff
For the Red Sox, picking up Alex Gonzalez from Cincy is big. Light hitting, but the best defense at short the Red Sox have ever had. That brings more stability. Now if the rotation will settle down, and it just might. A push to the finish!
The interesting thing is, according to UZR, Nick Green is better defensively at shortstop both this season and for his career. Plus the much better offensive season he is having.
Fangraphs.com has a statistic where they translate a player's overall performance into monetary terms. Basically, this season Nick Green's performance has been worth $2.6 million. Alex Gonzalez? Minus-$3.1 million.
And yes, I realize Gonzalez is going to spend the rest of the season killing the ball and stealing the Human Vacuum Cleaner title from Brooks Robinson, just to piss off all non-Red Sox fans