Some things really are that simple. Who do you think pays your salary? The company(ies) you work for or the people who pay premiums? I used to work in Law Enforcement. Who do you think paid me? The agency I worked for or the tax payers? I have a friend who works for the Tillammok Cheese Factory (man, I miss that cheese) Do you think the factory pays him or is it the people that buys the cheese?
Follow the money and I believe you'll find the answer.
Let's look at what PC said-
Can't you see that some people don't want to be financially responsible for the medical welfare of others, of strangers? That they just want to be able to work and provide for their own families? That some people don't want yet another government regulation over their lives? Some people still believe in the notion of self-determination, of the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Its a principle thing.
Sounds to me like he's flat out saying I don't want to pay for anyone else's medical care. I don't see any mention of uninsured people, I see him mention "strangers." I assume he doesn't know all the other people in his plan.