Maybe... I wouldnt deny that I have some things Im a bit uptight about. I take the point about for example getting head - if your eyes were closed you might not tell the difference between a man and a woman sucking you off - but its just the way I feel about anal sex.
Another thing which I've always found, and always found a bit strange about myself is that for me I am much more interested in my partner "getting off" than in myself "getting off"... although of course in the normal course of things I aim for both....
I dont want to go into details about like my personal life with my girlfriend - but I sometimes get more emotionally excited about the foreplay (using your hands and mouth etc) to the actual act. But anyway, I dont want to go too off topic.
When I think about anal sex, in my mind I have an image of - you know - shitting, and I just find it an utter turn off. I know factually that any girl probably must have to take a shit sometimes, but I dont accept this emotionally and dont want to think about it at all.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas