Well, the bear isnt the apex predator. Humankind if the apex predator!
Tell that to the bear. To him, you're an
hors d'erve.
Nevertheless, if people hunt elephants with AK47's(which in fact they do) I think such a gun can easily kill a bear. An elephant is much stronger and more durable than a bear is.
Dipshit poachers "hunt" elephants with AK's by spraying whole family groups down with full-auto fire, then waiting
3-5 days and watching for buzzards. The elephants die, all right, but
days later and in horrible pain. They also frequently kill poachers in the immediate aftermath (splat!). The AK round will penetrate to the vital organs, but only just: the animal dies days later of infection and pnuemonia, not shock/trauma or swift blood loss. Again, not the kind of thing you want when a bear comes boiling out of the laurels at 10 feet. Again, if these crazed ideas of yours worked, Alaskan professional hunters and guides would be using them already. They aren't. There's a damned good reason.