Originally Posted by The_Dunedan
3: Surprise. Surprising a bear is the 2nd-worst thing you can do, because it puts the bear on the defensive and is perceived as encroachment on the bear's territory. Bears don't negotiate with interlopers, they just mangle them for awhile. Big males will frequently play with corpses, much as cats will.
4: Surprised...WITH CUBS. The absolute, 103% WORST PLACE TO BE is near a mama bear with young. Anything which approaches their young is seen as a threat -to- their young, and Mama will, at that point, totally destroy the threat.
That might be a worst case scenario for sissies like you. So there I was...humping along the Appalachian Trail this summer when I rounded a bend and surprised a bear with cubs. My ninja stealth allowed me to get within 10 yards of them. Armed only with my pocket knife (RC 57-60) and my chest hair (RC 48-50), I was able to stand my ground and scare the bear away. True story.
Give me an M4, 30 rounds of green tip ammo and a 6 pack of PBR and I not only would have killed it, I would have successfully invaded France.