Even if it wasnt instantly killed though, surely putting 10 or so rounds into the bear is going to make it stop and try to retreat.
Which shows that you're about as knowledgeable about Grizzley Bears as you are about guns. When something hurts a Grizz, it doesn't run. It demolishes whatever's hurting it. This is why Bear Spray is orders of magnitude hotter than "people" pepper spray; it has to be able to utterly incapacitate the animal. You don't "scare it away" or "hurt it until it leaves." You either incapacitate it (ie render it physically incapable of attacking you), or get knawed on.
I cant think any animal is stupid enough to keep attacking an enemy that is taking it to pieces.
If the 5.56mm was CAPABLE of "taking it to pieces" you might have a point. Since the 5.56mm IS NOT CAPABLE of doing so, you have no point.
I repeat: A bear is:
10x larger than a human.
Several times denser than a human.
Capable of absorbing -MUCH- greater damage than a human, while retaining what Slims would call "combat effectiveness" far greater than that of a human.
Infinitely meaner, more aggressive, and more destructive than a human.
Why in God's name would you regard a round that is not capable of reliably incapacitating a human (200lbs) would be even remotely suitable for use on something TEN TIMES LARGER?! Bears attack people for 4 reasons:
1: Competition for food. If Yogi thinks you're after his Salmon, he'll be perfectly happy to fight you for it, just like he'd be perfectly happy to fight another 2,000lb bear. If he's willing to throw paws with something his own size, how do you think he'll visualize a human, 1/10th his weight?
2: AS food, ala Grizzley Man. If a bear wants to eat you, it is perfectly capable of doing so. Enraging something that wants you for lunch (say by firing several underpowered, underpenetrating light rifle bullets into it) is a terminally STUPID thing to do.
3: Surprise. Surprising a bear is the 2nd-worst thing you can do, because it puts the bear on the defensive and is perceived as encroachment on the bear's territory. Bears don't negotiate with interlopers, they just mangle them for awhile. Big males will frequently play with corpses, much as cats will.
4: Surprised...WITH CUBS. The absolute, 103% WORST PLACE TO BE is near a mama bear with young. Anything which approaches their young is seen as a threat -to- their young, and Mama will, at that point, totally destroy the threat.
In none of these four scenarios is "scaring it away" or "hurting it until it stops" a workable option. This 2,000lb animal wants to destroy you, not taste you to see if you're good to eat. Bears aren't sharks. When they go after something, it's because they want to obliterate and/or eat it. An apex predator which sees food it wants will not be denied, short of being outrun
or physically incapacitated.