Please don't misunderstand. I don't think people that carry guns are crazy, I think they have a different mindset than my own. rahl, I'm certain that you will use your gun responsibly if that nightmare situation ever does find you. There are other gun-folk, however, that cannot act as responsibly. There are other people that are comfortable with the prospect of acting violently under the right circumstances, only their understanding of what circumstances require such action are skewed for whatever reason.
Timothy McVeigh convinced himself that the FBI and ATF's actions at Waco legitimized his attack on the Murrah building. I'm sure you would agree with me that Waco did not legitimize such an attack, even though we have different philosophies about violence. Likewise, there are liberal versions of Tim McVeigh out there, people with a skewed perception of when it's necessary to act in an extreme way. The difference is that the liberal, or more precisely the aggression-aversion Tim McVeigh probably wouldn't consider murder to be a legitimate response regardless of how he felt.