The Cathedral (Polish: Katedra) is the title of a science fiction short story by
Jacek Dukaj, winner of the Janusz A. Zajdel Award in 2000; and of a 2002 short animated movie by Tomasz Bagiński, based on the story. The film was nominated in 2002 for the Academy Award for Animated Short Film for the 75th Academy Awards. The movie won the title of Best Animated Short at Siggraph 2002 in San Antonio as well as several other awards.
created & directed by Tomek Baginski
musical score by Adam Rosiak
released on March 24, 2002
{If the above embeddable should break: "Katedra" - Tomek Baginski - 2002 -}
Is religion the opiate of the people, or something darker? A pilgrim happens on an unfinished cathedral,
with Gothic vaults and Gaudiesque echoes, poised on the edge of a cliff. As he walks through, statuary appears,
and these figures hold the key to the essence of religion. Do insight and discovery await the pilgrim?