Originally Posted by The_Jazz
Allow me to be the first to give you the bad news, completely free of anything that might possibly be misconstrued as hope: you are not getting early access to Tilted Exhibition. I'm someone who gets to decide those things, and it's happening over my dead body. And I'll add that it's just as much for your protection as anyone else's. If all you have to offer is pictures of yourself, I'll stop mocking you and start pitying you.
What we have here, folks, is a human oddity! Free of opinion, thought and advice! He's only got oiled pecs, "ironic" clothing and the "Blue Steel" look honed to perfection with hours spent in the mirror!
That's all you are? I hope not.
Anormalguy: thank you for contributing something positive when so many others, including me, just couldn't bring themselves to do it.
What, I posted something useful? I need to be more careful

Colton, from what I can tell you're someone with a strong exhibitionist urge and I think that you should go for it. Why not? Life is short.
OTOH (I'm not trying to pile-on here) something isn't adding-up. You say that you don't write well, but a couple of your blog entries are well-written, while a couple are not. The legal one appears to copied-and-pasted, but an explanation might help you gain some credibility.
Edit: I just read one of your comments that you posted while I was typing. Your "bad writing" seems to have greatly improved...
