I got diagnosed with BPV
(Benign Positional Vertigo)
i've only had 2 serious episodes of it though, the dizziness was so bad, you're sitting completely still but it feels like some godlike deity reached down and SPUN THE SHIT OUT OF YOU.
The 1st time resulted in me trying to make it to the kitchen and getting some water to try and flush it out of me, whatever it may have been. Wound up diving head 1st in to the linoleum and spending 45 minutes like that apparently.
The 2nd time, I just crawled to the bathroom, longest crawl across the hallway ever... massive amounts of vomiting later, and a call from some craigslister who wanted to buy my Korg EM-1, I had him come buy it for 50$ off in trade for him taking me to the hospital.
They didn't do shit except stick me with a large bill for going "you have vertigo, we can give you something for it but it'll fuck you up in other ways detrimental to your feild of work because it makes you mentally unresponsive, it's kind of a dimmer.
So i was like "fuck that" and there ya go. My history with dizziness