Originally Posted by ratbastid
That's so interesting. I have a bunch of questions about that, if you'd be willing to flesh this out a little for me. The only other person I've seen lay it out so plainly like that is Rush Limbaugh, and he's not available for my questions. I really don't mean these questions as point-scoring questions. It's just that this statement is so unfathomable to me, I'm really interested in getting where you're coming from about it.
Do you consider yourself a patriot? If so, how does hoping for the failure of the President of the United States square with that?
See, I think if the president fails, the country fails. I think we failed for almost the entirety of our last administration, as a result of that administration failing. Are you really saying you want more of that? Or, perhaps you want us to fall down the other side of the mountain instead? OR perhaps you reject my assertion that if the president fails the country fails?
What does "fail" mean, in this context?
Will "Obama failing", whatever that means, restore the America you know and love?
What will "Obama failing" produce, exactly? What would his failure be useful for?
As opposed as I was to Bush, I always hoped he'd turn things around. All I really wanted from the guy was for him to not be such a miserable disappointment. I never would have said I hoped he'd fail. I observed his actions and interpreted them as failure. But I think that's different. I don't quite know what my question is related to that... something like: your thoughts
While I would not expect any level of agreement on your part as we have different political ideologies, I appreciate the fact that you asked the questions that were only ever so slightly condescending.
I am a Libertarian. I believe the federal government should build roads and ports for the sake of interstate/international commerce; maintain an army and defend our borders; maintain relationships with other nations; and settle disputes among states. I believe all social programs from gay marriage, to abortion, to retirement programs, to drug legalization, insurance programs, welfare, education, health care, et al. should be state funded and state specific. I believe citizens should live in the state with the correct mix of taxation/benefits.
Having said that, you can see that Obama's entire ideology would be counter to mine. Hence, his failing to enact anything he wishes would bring the country closer to what I see as ideal. I also sincerely believe that my view of how the government should work (see above) would provide the most opportunity and prosperity for the people. One can also see that I don't care any more for the Republican party than I do the Democrats.
So, there's my answer. I accept that yours is different and that yours is wrong.

There's no reason to debate the merits of them as I seriously doubt we will ever agree.