Originally Posted by Tully Mars
I call bull shit yet again. I spent a lot of time in waiting rooms over a two and half year period. I've heard so many people tell so many stories, many almost exactly like mine, that I in no way believe insurance companies don't spend a good deal of time and money simply making it difficult for people to get their claims processed. "This codes wrong, should be out patient.... denied" "Forms states patient is female, insured is male... denied." Form states procedure preformed on right shoulder, pre-approved for left... denied." And on and on. Once it's denied getting it not denied is like putting toothpaste back in the tube. Like some circle jerk from hell. "Oh, yes we'll just change the code." "Oh, that? That's an obvious mistake we'll change it. Don't worry about it." Two months later you're getting a letter and call from a collection agency. I used to see the same people in the waiting room so often we'd trade "war stories" about the insurance and collection agencies. I got to where I had a three inch thick file of names, conversations, dates and times. Really helped once I had to hire an attorney. I highly recommend keeping detailed notes if you find yourself in this situation. I have no doubt you'll be told "this" by person "A" and "that" by person "B." Or person "B" will have no idea what person "A" said or who they were.
I talked to a guy who must have been 55 or so and he was in tears because he didn't know how to get the insurance company to pay for his wife's care and the hospital was refusing to proceed without payment. After listening to him I think the good people at the insurance company were just playing a waiting game and figured dead people don't need care.
Like so many arguments in these forums, your personal experience or experiences of a few people you know can not and do not prove anything, other than the fact that you had a bad experience. There are proper procedures for filing any type of paperwork and if things aren't filled out properly they are void. If you write a check on 08/11/2009 but dated it 10/11/2009 and try to cash it before then the bank will say no way. Is the bank some evil corporation trying to steal your money from you? Of course not. Even though you made an honest mistake, perhaps like that of the person coding your claim, you can't circumvent procedure.