I've been mostly a silent participant in these discussions so far, but I have to say that as an outsider I find it bizarre that so many people are opposed to something so basic and fundamental as universal healthcare. Perhaps other non-US members have different opinions, though.
I find myself wondering how opinions break down in terms of immigrants or US citizens who've spent time living abroad. Y'know, people who've experienced such systems in action.
Also, I miss Ustwo. It's been a long time since he's told me that the healthcare system I rely on is in a perpetual state of near-collapse.
As for the sign, not being an American citizen and being only passingly familiar with your history, I had to look up the quote in question. What I found was this:
Originally Posted by Thomas Jefferson
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Taken in the context of some of the rhetoric swirling around President Obama, this seems like a pretty clear message to me; I doubt he's calling for the blood of patriots to be spilled. Adding the gun in that context is a bit of an odd choice on his part -- perhaps he was hoping that the secret service agents would be as poor history students as I am.
The whole thing is merely an aside, though.