Originally Posted by dippin
Except that the movie in no way portrays the outcome of the assassination as positive or desirable... that is akin to saying that "red dawn" was a call for a communist invasion...
---------- Post added at 12:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 PM ----------
how is that in any way a "death panel?" First, if it's something already in place then it can't be a feature of the proposed reform. Second, how is this a "death panel?" Third, so is she advocating that doctors be forced to take medicare?
I didn't watch the movie, so I couldn't say what it portrays. This guy had a sign and a gun. I don't know anything else about him, he was peaceably assemblying and breaking absolutely no laws. We are all looking at him through our political filter and trying to judge his intent. I'm not giving him the benefit of the doubt, I am pointing out that to suggest that others didn't think about assassinating Bush is simply disingenuous.
As to the "Death Panels", I believe the verbage that gives people pause is section 1233. Personally, I just think it is really poorly written and opens itself up to fear mongering. To me, this section is simply evidence that idiots are writing these laws - how could you write something so vague regarding something so important to people? I don't think there will be death panels to "go before" and plead for your life - but why write it so that it could even be open for (albeit ridiculous) interpretation.
How about this: An organization will be created and made available to the public which will help individuals arrange their affairs in the event of their death. This organization will be available to people of all ages but will focus on outreach to the elderly. Services available will include "How to write a living will" and "How to write a state specific will", as well as state-specific information on hospice and probate. There ya' go. Easy - Peasy.