Originally Posted by Radio Monk33
I think it reveals an intimacy...
No shame in having porno, watching it etc...but I don't want my friends knowing exactly what I watch.
+1, exactly
I use to be way open when I was young. I use to care just what kind of person I was.
Now I hide it. Mainly because I don't know how it would make others feel. Just trying to be little polish...
Originally Posted by Crack
I put mine in a zip folder, then I zip that folder, then I change the file name from .zip to .doc, open it with a text editor, then I copy that info, and paste it into a a MS paint document, then I zip that a few times, change the name to .mp3, then burn it to a CD.
I label the CD: Hardcore PORN, and put it on my coffee table

That is funny
But I actually create a folder, create sub folders for categorize, and then zip the whole thing with password. When I really need it, I unzip them
Originally Posted by Martian
Why even keep porn? There's enough of it online for free that I don't feel the need to stash any.
In my case the reason is "Taste" aka preference.
I like perky tits. I like pictures where the girl has some expression. I like natural hair there, or a pattern, trim etc. That little detail in the pics turns me ON. I like the ones with cute tatoos like Butterflies, art/flowers, scorpio, etc. So I kind of collect them...
And I definitely save the ones where 'she' shows 'it' in the rear... Kind of that feels very inviting.... I know I am such a pervert so I better keep it hiddddddddden!!!!!!!!!