'Fess up. What did you burn, mess up, use a horrific substitute ingredient or what intricately prepared dish did your dog eat when you went to answer the door? Tell it all -- the dish, the circumstances, what happened. We want the story!
This idea was prompted by my own not very exciting recent story of the Key West jumbo pink shrimp and sea scallops over pasta in this sundried tomato sauce that I spent almost an hour cleaning and peeling. I even made my own version of another sauce and it was absolutely delectable, but I had plenty of leftovers to feed us for another couple of meals and planned on freezing enough for one dinner and putting the rest in containers for lunch the next day. So I put it in the oven so the kitties wouldn't snack on it and -- you guessed it ---completely forgot about until I opened the oven before turning it on to preheat two days later!
Your turn.