Originally Posted by shakran
So let me see if I have this right. Of all the places on the internet where you can get porn for free, TFP was your number one pick?
I was one of the mods in favor of losing the porn. Why? Because it's not drawing in users, and it's preventing some of us from telling our friends to check the place out. It isn't drawing in users because anyone who's heard of Google can find more and better porn than we ever had with a 30 second search. No one's going to come here for a few pictures of naked women when there are literally millions of pictures and videos of naked anything-you-want at other sites.
So, our lackluster porn collection is failing to bring in new members. And because it's a "porn-site" I certainly can't tell my coworkers to come check it out, because I'd be out of a job by the end of the week.
Keeping the porn around simply does not, from my perspective anyway, make one iota of sense.
Give that man the stuffed elephant.