Originally Posted by wooÐs
You all are seriously defensive instead of remaining open. So much for 'Tilted Suggestions.'
Really.. what is defensive here? You made one suggestion and you were informed that we tried it once and it was merged into Tilted Life.
But you go on to harp about our branding scheme, which was calmly explained. I'd like to add more to it though. Our forum naming scheme is designed to let people know what they should expect to be reading when they open the forum. This makes them bland in and of themselves, so we add the brand name to indicate our own little twist. We'd like to be viewed as a different kind of forum.
Then you comment on moderation methods, which were then calmly explained. I'd also like to add a bit more. Since the TFP's inception over 7 and a half years ago, it has been a self-policed community. Moderators exist for when administrative action needs to be taken (can't give EVERYONE delete/edit/ban permissions) but we rely on the community to bring various violations to our attention.
If you think these reasonings are off, come back with counter-points instead of telling us we're defensive. A good suggestion should stand up to justification.