Originally Posted by Xerxys
They are not paid on a case by case basis where the person who racks in the highest children to foster care gets cash. They are not state troopers with a quota to meet.
Case by case, no. But like every government agency, if they don't use their money, they get less the next year. You want to pay your people and give them raises, make damn sure the spending for the year is higher then the budget so you get more next year. best way to do that, attack every case like the parents are sleaze balls. Not saying this is the case with every agency, but some of the policies make me wonder. For instance, if kids get into a fight at school in Arizona, it is mandated that CPS be called and the families investigated. because "Violence at school is a sign of violence at home." Which is the biggest crock of shit I ever heard. I got into a good number of fights, and I was never abused in any fashion. Kids will be kids, and part of that is getting into a fight every now and then. It's just another reason for them to kick the fucking doors in and stick their noses in every ones business. As a new parent, these Nazi fucks scare the shit out of me. While they are needed, the war cry of "for the children" has made it, yet again, that much easier for them to abuse and ignore civil rights.