Romeo and Julietta Cigars, size = Churchill. Awesome.
Day trip to Havana: You simply must see the show at the Tropicana. It is better than you can imagine.
Beer = Crystal Brand. Very clean, like a Stella and Heineken combined. Awesome.
Havana Club rum = Awesome.
Getting loose bowels from the local cuisine = not awesome. An old woman told me to eat the local yogurt, and that cleared things up. Local yogurt = not really awesome.
Old 40's and 50's cars = Awesome.
Sand in my but-crack = not Awesome.
European Bidet in bathroom to remove said sand = Awesome.
Say 'Gracias' lots, and leave little tips everywhere. A buck or two for a drink, your hotel maid, your bartender. They really appreciate it. I used US dollars.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.