Pressure cooker
Piece of corned beef. Head of cabbage. Potatoes. Carrots. Onions.
Put everything in pressure cooker. Top up with water until everything is submerged.
Bring to steam, keep about 10 psi on it. Cook for 3 hours. Let pressure go. Drain water. Eat right out of pot to save on dishes.
Slow Cooker:
Same ingredients. Same prep. Turn Slow Cooker on High. Cook for 6 hours or so. Drain water. Eat right out of pot to save on dishes.
Seriously though, I lived on CB&C when I was a young bachelor. As a more refined gentleman now, I use more spices with the cooking water (pickling spices are actually pretty good) and follow the cooking times as above - Cynthetic's method, not my bachelor method. I put a little bit of butter and sour cream on the potatoes now, and I put white or malt vinegar on the CB&C before serving.
Try mashing the potatoes and chopping the cabbage into a rough dice. Then, stir together with butter and sour cream for the side dish. Kinda fancies the plate up a bit.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.
Last edited by BigBen; 08-06-2009 at 06:12 PM..
Reason: remove vague reference