Although I cannot compare and contrast between your choices, I will speak about Toronto in and of itself.
I'm not sure if you've been reading much about our national economy, but we haven't been doing too shabby during this recession (e.g. our banks made profits). Canada in general is poised for a decent recovery.
Toronto is considered the economic engine of Canada. Of course there is criticism and challenges here, but when all is said and done, and when worse come to worse, Toronto is here, it is big, and it is a heavily mixed economy, meaning that there are virtually all industries here, which means many opportunities for an HR generalist. There are many companies of all sizes as well, big and small.
As for you, I can't imagine you'd have much trouble finding work. I don't know the big picture of what you do, I just know that you produce video "stuff." Well, if this is related to advertising, then Toronto would work for you too, for the same reasons.
As for education, it depends on the area in which you choose to live. Compared to places such as London and Manhattan, you'll have a better time affording a nicer area to live. With that, comes nicer schools (though the worst of our schools aren't nearly as bad as you'd see in the U.S.). This is mainly due to the fundraising successes that richer neighbourhoods provide. Just do the math.
As for post-secondary opportunities, there are 3 universities and several colleges, most of which are decent quality. They are big, too, so you have your law & med. options, etc.
If you become citizens, you'll also have access to the RESP, which is a great education savings program that the government will pitch into and give you tax benefits. (Not to mention that you'll get a host of other benefits, being as socialist as we are here.
Anyway, I'm getting to the point where I'm assuming too much. I hope you will come back and post a few more details about what you are looking for.