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Old 08-05-2009, 04:59 PM   #116 (permalink)
aceventura3's Avatar
Location: Ventura County
Originally Posted by jewels View Post
Your post:

What you said here indicates that parents alone are responsible for the result when many parents simply aren't capable of appropriate influence.
I guess I can be specific since I have a 12 year old son.

I have no intention of spying on him, or even restrict his freedom to make his own decisions. He knows what I expect, he knows right from wrong, he understands that all of his actions will have consequences. Most importantly, he understands that I am in his corner no matter what. I trust him and I treat him like I trust him. He is not and will not be confused about sexuality as long as I can help him.

Palin's daughter had a baby. Palin gave her daughter unconditional love and support. Even given the charges of hypocrisy, potential political costs, etc. Palin stood with her daughter, the baby, with pride. Palin will always have my respect for that.

My opinion is irrelevant. If I thought they should have sex, I sure as hell would want them armed. If I thought they shouldn't have sex, I still want them armed since we can't control their every move.
I disagree, I think your opinion is the most important one to your children. If they don't know your opinion they will form their own or be influenced by other sources, and some will simply weigh your opinion and come to their own conclusion, but it matters. I don't try to control my son. When we talk about issues, I talk to him, but I mostly ask open ended questions. It is interesting to me how at some point he will always ask what I think or what I would do. I tell him about mistakes I have made, why it was a mistake and what happened as a consequence.

---------- Post added at 12:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:37 AM ----------

Originally Posted by dc_dux View Post
Palin's position matters little at this point.

What is pleasing to me is Obama fulfilling another campaign promise and eliminating all abstinence only funding from the federal budget, after throwing $1.5 billion at such programs over the last eight years for purely ideological partisan purposes....despite no evidence of success of such programs.
For the record here is "Abstinence only" cut by Obama, some I agree with some I don't, I would modify the program rather than eliminate it:

Guidance Regarding Curriculum Content
(Required for CBAE grantees as of FY 2006.)

All aspects of the proposed program must be consistent with the definition of abstinence education pursuant to A-H of Section 510(b)(2) of the Social Security Act. Additionally, successful applicants must adequately address each of the elements within the "Scope" section of this program announcement as indicated below.

Required Content:

* A curriculum must contain material consistent with the A-H elements.
* ACF will evaluate all proposed curricula, supplemental materials, and proposed or anticipated modifications to the curricula to assure compliance with the 13 themes outlined below. This review will include a content analysis to determine whether at least 70 percent of the material directly relates to the 13 themes and that each theme is adequately addressed.
* No one theme should be over- or under-represented in the entire curriculum.
* Curriculum must not contain any material inconsistent with any of the A-H elements.
* Material must not promote contraception and/or condom use (as opposed to risk elimination).
* A curriculum must not promote or encourage sexual activity outside of marriage.
* A curriculum must not promote or encourage the use of any type of contraceptives outside of marriage or refer to abstinence as a form of contraception.
* Curriculum must be age-appropriate with regard to the developmental stage of the intended audience. Graphic images of genitalia for purposes of illustrating the effects of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are inappropriate for certain age groups, especially if classes are not gender separated.

Additional Guidance Regarding Curriculum Content:

* Abstinence curricula must have a clear definition of sexual abstinence which must be consistent with the following: "Abstinence means voluntarily choosing not to engage in sexual activity until marriage. Sexual activity refers to any type of genital contact or sexual stimulation between two persons including, but not limited to, sexual intercourse."
* The curriculum must have a clear message regarding the importance of student abstinence from sexual activity until marriage and must emphasize that the best life outcomes are more likely obtained if an individual abstains until marriage.
* The term "resources" must refer to all materials to be used in the submitted curriculum.
* Throughout the entire curriculum, the term "marriage" must be defined as "only a legal union between one man and one woman as a husband and wife, and the word 'spouse' refers only to a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or a wife." (Consistent with Federal law)
* The curriculum must teach the psychological and physical benefits of sexual abstinence-until-marriage for youth.
* The curriculum must teach the importance of marriage, commitment, responsible parenthood, especially fatherhood, and the potential harm of out-of-wedlock childbearing to all racial, socioeconomic, geographic, age, gender and ethnic groups.
* Information on contraceptives, if included, must be age-appropriate and presented only as it supports the abstinence message being presented. Curriculum must not promote or endorse, distribute or demonstrate the use of contraception or instruct students in contraceptive usage.
* The following National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases definition for STDs must be applied throughout the document:
Guidance Regarding Curriculum Content

I am not clear on what obama's "Pregnancy Prevention" budget is for, do you?

Instead of promoting abstinence ed, Obama is proposing a new teen pregnancy prevention initiative that supports "evidence-based" and "promising" models. Once again, Obama is reversing policies set in place under President Bush, who asked for more than $100 million in funds last year for abstinence-only programs. Several states opted to turn down federal funds rather than be forced to forgo contraception education in public schools.

The new budget includes $50 million in funds for states to use for teen pregnancy prevention programs. What's not clear, though, is which comprehensive sex education programs will be funded. There's quite a bit of difference among them, with some far better than others. It's also not clear how "evidence-based" will be defined. Just how many studies are needed to determine if a program is effective? And how few are needed to deem a program "promising"? You can see the full budget here; scroll down to page 39 to see the part about teen pregnancy programs.
Obama Budget Eliminates Funding for Abstinence-Only Sex Education - On Women (
"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch."
"It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions on vegetarianism while the wolf is of a different opinion."
"If you live among wolves you have to act like one."
"A lady screams at the mouse but smiles at the wolf. A gentleman is a wolf who sends flowers."

Last edited by aceventura3; 08-05-2009 at 04:39 PM..
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