Originally Posted by DaniGirl
My friends son was taken from her because she accidently dropped him and his leg broke. Now I know this person and I know she would never hurt her son.
1. It takes a pretty good hit to break the leg of a 2-year old (assuming it's the same child you mention later). It's difficult to accept the "dropped him" explanation for such an injury, especially when-
2. If the child is as accident-prone as you say, the doctor treating the leg would likely have seen other bruises in various stages of healing, which can be a warning sign of abuse. Yes, many bruises can be from horseplay and shenanigans, but combine that with a questionable leg fracture story and you've got prime Child Welfare intervention evidence.
If you care about the child's safety, you'll step back and think rationally- which means *not* from the mother's perspective. It's a reasonably questionable scenario.