Originally Posted by ratbastid
We agree on this.
Here's the question: Is the fact that you and I think they shouldn't have sex going to stop them from having sex? Your and my personal kids, maybe, but we're talking about educational policy here.
Yes. Adults have a major influence on the behavior of children. If we act like we don't care you get one result. If you act like you care you get another. I think we should act like we care.
I have to think the answer to that question is a ringing NO. Look, if it didn't work with Bristol Palin, it doesn't work.
I don't come to that conclusion. I am against suicide. I think adults can do things to prevent a child from committing suicide. If the child of a prominent person vocally against suicide, commits suicide, that does not mean we stop trying to stop teen suicide.
I don't get your logic here at all, or your point.
Given that, wouldn't you rather they know what they need to know to do what (statistically, inevitably) they're going to do as safely as possible?
"As safely as possible"? In my view teens generally do not have the capacity to make adult decisions. I think engaging in sex is an adult decision. I don't think teens should do many things adults can do. In my view there is no "safe" way for teens to engage in sex, given our current environment. Even from a non-STD or pregnancy perspective - how is a teen to protect their privacy with a "partner" with a video camera in their phone? Teens need to abstain for sex.
Plus: they'll be grown-up some day. How early is too early to teach them how to have sex as responsibly as possible?
I started teaching my son as soon as he started potty training, and it won't stop until "the student becomes the master". Every parent needs to have this attitude. It ain't the responsibility of the school. Perhaps what we really need is mandatory sex education for parents, in particular how to teach their children.