Originally Posted by thespian86
Two things: Knee high to a grasshopper. Do THEY really say that? I've never overheard them or been privy to a conversation where they've dropped that phrase.
It is a great southern phrase, I love MM more now because she said it.
+1 to MM.
I can't get away from racist jokes, my parents are wonderful and caring people, but they were raised not to like black people. I hear the word "Coon" alot.
I hear them at my local bars all the time, it's amazing how frank people can be and think they should be able to get away with it. If one of the older guys comes up to me and says, "You wanna hear a joke"; 9/10 it will be a black joke about Obama. I was told in all seriousness that I should never mention that I voted for him when I'm there.
It makes me a very sad panda.