Originally Posted by mixedmedia
The day after the Obama election, one of my co-workers was receiving text messages of 'black jokes' from a friend of hers (ex. cases of fried chicken and watermelon were being flown to the White House using Air Force One). This was less than a week after company 'sensitivity training,' lol.
More than offended at the jokes I was dismayed to find that she thought it was ok to share them with me. I guess she figured because I am white, then naturally I'd be into it. *nudge, nudge, wink, wink*
It also floored me to find that people are still laughing at fried chicken and watermelon jokes. I mean, come on! I've been hearing those since I was knee high to a grasshopper, as they say.
Two things: Knee high to a grasshopper. Do THEY really say that? I've never overheard them or been privy to a conversation where they've dropped that phrase.
Also; I make race related jokes all the time but ironically. I don't actually fear mexicans and the underclass but making that statement can be comical depending on the audience and the timing. I think that race, as a subject of comedy, is perfectly acceptable. The fried chicken/watermellon is certainly a little tired but you get the gist of it. Plus I'm jewish; you owe us.