Originally Posted by ratbastid
Whether you can imagine it or not, LOTS of people come to grips with condoms for the first time with no clear idea of their proper use. You think leaving a reservoir at the tip is common sense? Because it's not.
We keep tap dancing around the issue - To me children should abstain from sex. I have no problem with sex education, in fact you could easily come up with a curriculum that I would support. I think we both agree that abstinence is the best way to go for children. To me it is the same with many issues, another example is steroids. I have no problem with teaching children about steroids in a factual, scientific manner, however children should not use steroids unless there is a medical reason to. No school/coach/clinic/etc., should condone/encourage/turn a blind eye/wink, wink we know you are going to do it, so here is how to do it "safely"... to the use of steroids.