I'm coming to this thread late, but this quote:
Originally Posted by rahl
The larger groups acutally have cheaper rates because there are so many people generating premiums that the premium to payout ratio is more in favor for insurance companies.
...speaks to precisely what's wrong with our current system. You know who else talks in terms of payout ratios being in their favor? Casinos.
Insurance Companies are basically big gambling operations, where people bet against the house that they'll get sick some day, and gamble that on that day the house will honor its agreement to pay out.
Lots of people would be better off putting their premiums into a slot machine.
ALSO: I think it's very strange that people get their insurance through where they work. Really... If that wasn't "how it is", and somebody came along and proposed that, I think we'd all look at them funny. These days, anyway--back when you got a job and it was your job for life, and your pension and retirement came from there, it made more sense. These days, not so much. Why not get insurance through your church? Or your neighborhood watch association? That would be about as strange. The two things that make ANY real sense, logistically speaking, are private insurance, and government insurance.