I HATE THEM! But, the dogs and cats are cool. Just not the millions of tiny stick children. I really don't know why I hate them so much... maybe because the people that have them on the backs of their SUVs and minivans always drive SLOWWWW as hell on the freeway.. and then when I try to go into the other lane.. they cut me off and we almost crash and I scream at them.. even though they probably can't hear me above the sound of their seventeen crying toddlers and two preteen twins and one angsty teenage girl whining, "BUT MOOOM! Why can't I have Mr.21yearoldheadbanger as my boyfriend?!?!?!"
The dogs and cats in the back of the vehicle are always cute and always seem so happy to have their face in the wind. Awww.. cute-ums.
The pets are cool. But, not the hoomans.