No one is being denied coverage. People are denied affordable coverage. If you can afford $3,000 a month then your covered, if not then too bad. Thats the way the system is set up now, and it makes sense in a free market. If you have a car with engine trouble and problems with the frame, how is it fair that you would pay the same as me for coverage when my car is in pristine condition? I'm not saying that it is fair for everyone, just that this is how it works currently. And i can't see any way of fixing it without seriously long term initiatives. The cost of care from hospitals and doctors needs to be way down from the current prices. How to do that I don't know, but if all we do is adopt a government plan then that plan will be just as expesive as the current system so whats the point. I understand something needs to be done but it's going to take decades to implement, otherwise the economy will get even worse.