need ideas
at work today, I liberated a "dumb terminal" from the trash heap. in a small case about the size of a laptop but thicker, this thing has:
-a mini mobo
-a powersupply (with fan)
-a cdrom drive (slim type like a laptop would have)
-a case fan
-a cpu fan (but I cant tell what kind of cpu it has, since the heatsink (with fan) is glued on top of it)
-i/o connections for: audio/video (rca jacks), mouse and keyboard, modem and fax, ethernet, and some other jack that Im guessing would be firewire (looks sorta like a USB, but is definitely NOT a USB port), and of course the video out to monitor.
-and what appears to be an itty bitty 4mb ram chip.
but NO hard drive
it is one of about a dozen NIC (New Internet Computer) units that allowed different parts of the plant to connect to the company network.
it was being scrapped because of a change in company structure eliminated the department of the plant where it was used. so far as I know, everything should still work (hell the thing is less than a year old).
so, what I was wondering is, besides stripping it for parts (of which only the fans, power supply and cdrom drive would be of any use to me) what can I use this for?
I was thinking of setting it up as my internet browser by networking it off my pc.
anyone got a better idea, or some suggestions as to where to find info on how best to implement my idea?
He's the best, of course, of all the worst.
Some wrong been done, he done it first. -fz
I jus' want ta thank mice elf...agin...