Where Do You Draw The Line (Politics/Religion)
Backstory: I sometimes do off-site service calls for my Step-dad's computer business. He handles most of them himself, but every once in awhile I help him out. Yesterday my step-dad got a call from an old lady who he has worked with before. She chain smokes Kool 100's and he couldn't stand the smell of her house. He asked me to go because he felt like his lungs might cave in. I don't smoke anymore, but it doesn't bother me to be around it. I show up at her house and start to work on her PC. During the service call I see she has a George W. Bush... wall. **This is not a political thread, I am not here to talk about our former presidents action's during his two terms.** She has a huge picture of him and alot of clippings about her work with the Republican Party. We are making small talk and she makes an offhand comment about Obama. I mutter a slight agreement with her and continue working on her PC. I change the subject and make small talk with her. I finish the service call, shake her hand, and go on my way with cash in hand.
Question: Would you have stated your support for an opposing view point? Would you have told her you disagree with her or just did like I did and agree for the sake of not wanting to argue.
I deal with this all the time with religion, as I am not part of the social norm that concerns religion (especially living deep in the bible belt). Unless really pressed by someone, I will ignore most comments about my views and religious beliefs (or lack there of). I think I've heard every racist Obama joke in the world, but I 99% of the time don't argue, as I don't believe you can really change someone's beliefs.
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
In my own personal experience---this is just anecdotal, mind you---I have found that there is always room to be found between boobs.
Vice-President of the CinnamonGirl Fan Club - The Meat of the Zombiesquirrel and CinnamonGirl Sandwich