There was a thread on TFP, a while back, about lab-grown meat.
If this was safe to eat(short and long-term), feasible in terms of costs, I would have no problem doing this. If I could afford it, I would even pay more for this type of meat than meat from a living/conscious being.
There is no question that the animals we eat, just like us, want to live. Their pre-farm ancestors wouldn't have existed without them wanting to live.
There's also no question that they suffer.
Every time I see a video of farm factory animals dying horribly, often times agonizing for long periods of time before they expire, I'm infuriated that there's nothing done to make sure their death is quick, and as painless as possible.
Yet I still eat fast food, and meat that looks like it was produced by a machine.
On cannibalism, I wouldn't mind if it were necessary. It's just a bunch of decaying cells if the person's dead. It'd be a waste not to eat it. Everyone, feel free to consume my body, once I've passed. Just stay away from the liver. That shit can't be good.