Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
Although I would never presume to speak for uncle phil, it may be a carry over from his military days. I do the same thing. People have asked me why, in the past. I really had no answer until one day it dawned upon me that when I was in the SAC Elite Guard we used to carry our keys in back pockets because our front pockets were sewn shut. It was habit that I still have to this day.
Air Force guys sew their pockets shut due to self control issues? Jesus... I thought the Hooah Airborne tough guy shit at Bragg was silly.
I carry my keys in my right back pocket, my wallet in my left back pocket, my cell phone in the left front, and my MacGyver kit in the right front with a folding knife. Idea is to keep the crucial gizmos for the nondominate (non-gun) hand. I can answer the phone and get cash while keeping my dominate hand ready to snatch the snubbie.
Even though I'm a righty, the wallet is on the back left so that I can present ID without drawing attention to any piece I may be carrying at the time. I learned that one the hard way. Turns out going for your wallet scares people when you're all Johnny OpenCarry.