Xerxes, that is a rather altruistic stance. As an abused child, grown into adulthood, I would like to say that I turned out pretty damn good in spite of the abuse. Of course, the abusing parent in my cause was caught and imprisoned, but that did nothing to aleviate the 6 years of physical, mental and sexual abuse that me and my siblings endured.
As an adult, I have had to deal with child protective services many times. When I got custody of my kids from my ex wife, she would call in bogus complaints twice a week, and state law requires CPS to investigate every complaint. The system is very draconian. They can go to your child's school, pull them out of class and question them at any time, without notifying the parents that they are going to, OR have done so. This was VERY stressful to my children, and I ended up getting them counseling just to deal with the stress. There was never any apology, recompense or even so much as an acknowledgment from them that they were causing harm to my kids simply by their jackbooted tactics.
The system is severely broken. I know parents who have lost their kids because the kids got in a fight and one of them broke his skull. The parents got blamed because they were outside when this happened (they were working in the horse field repairing a broken fence and the kids were teenagers) It took them six months and close to $75,000 to get their kids back. Did CPS apologize, did the doctor who filed the complaint apologize, did my friends get a single penny of that money back... no. I also know of a father right now who is abusive to his sons. I personally have filed complaints, and I know a few others who have as well. The boy is one of my daughter's boyfriends, and he has told me of some of the abuses. It goes way beyond an occasional spanking. This father has been investigated by CPS and nothing has ever come of the complaints. I am near to the point of going personally over and beating the man to within an inch of his life, but that will not help his boys, because he will just take it out on them first chance he gets. My point here is, the system is broken, it punishes good parents and too often overlooks real abuse.
There are 10 types of people in this world... Those who understand Binary and those who dont.
I aim to please.. to bad for you I am a horrible shot.
Every time you open your mouth, stupid comes out.