Waiter Plotted Revenge Over Veggie Order?
Wed June 11, 2003 08:28 AM ET
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - What happens when a waiter gets one complaint too many?
Police in Corona, California, say a waiter at a Sizzler restaurant there went to the home of a family who complained about his service and cooked up a special order on their lawn -- eggs, flour, maple syrup and toilet paper.
Jonathan Voeltner, 20, was arrested on Saturday, suspected of vandalism and contributing to the delinquency of minors -- his 17-year-old girlfriend and two younger brothers -- who helped him deliver the midnight snack, police said.
All four were released pending a July 24 court appearance. Sizzler has fired Voeltner, a corporate spokeswoman said.
Voeltner apparently became incensed on Friday evening when Darlene Keller complained to a manager that he refused to swap the potatoes that came with her meal for vegetables.
Keller subsequently got the cauliflower and broccoli she requested, while Voeltner laid plans for a special recipe of his own, said Corona police Sgt. Jerry Rodriguez.
"He had his girlfriend, a minor, follow the family home when they left the restaurant to get their address," Rodriguez said. "When he got off work she picked him up with his 17- and 10-year-old brothers."
The foursome went to a nearby grocery store and picked up the ingredients for their revenge recipe, Rodriguez said.
After throwing eggs against the house, festooning the trees with toilet paper and sprinkling the lawn with flour and maple syrup, they rang the doorbell several times at about 1 a.m. and waited to see Keller's reaction, Rodriguez said.
Upon seeing the mess, Keller called police, who arrived a short time later and arrested the girlfriend and younger boys. "The server came out of the bushes and (Keller) recognized him," Rodriguez said. "She said, 'That's my waiter!'"
Sizzler spokeswoman Susan Hernandez said the chain "deeply regrets" the incident and has offered the Kellers a free meal and a landscaper to repair any damage to their home.
Well at least he didn't spit in her food.....