Originally Posted by Lubeboy
Wow that's real male chauvinist old thinking of you
So you're saying most women just want to get married and have kids? They can't chase their dreams until after they do so? Right... You're presuming a lot as well. My exes don't have kids (thankfully). They're working dead-end jobs supplying money for their druggie loser boyfriends and their own addictions. I doubt they have time to write novels, travel abroad, or earn black belts in tae kwon do.
If the majority of women did not want to have kids, the world population would be dropping like a stone.
As I stated, the
majority of women want this "on one level or another". It may or
may not be their ultimate or only goal but it is quite obviously a goal shared by a few billion women worldwide. Please tell me it's not become so PC that one cannot state such a blindlingly obvious fact without getting grief for it.
Wonderful women who have married and had kids: my mother, presumably your mother, my wife, my ex-wife, my mother-in-law, my favourite aunt, both my grandmothers, a fair number of friends, etc.
Some of them had or have careers (like Mrs. Highthief 2.0), some are stay at home Moms (Mrs. Highthief 1.0), some have adopted lives in between. Whatever any of them choose, I try not to belittle their choices. I suppose it is your right to do so to your exes, but you know, if you do it in a public fashion, expect to find a few people who think it is
your behaviour which is questionable as opposed to theirs.