The point I was trying to make is that Israel has the capacity and the ability to annihilate the Palestinians and have not done so! It is nothing approaching state terrorism on their part - the Palestinians could all be gone when the sun comes up in the morning. I think they have showed remarkable restraint up to this point. How much longer will this restraint last? I would imagine a guess that the Palestinians had better get serious about their negotiations. Probably soon. They still exist because Israel has allowed them to exist - look at it from any angle you choose but in the end, they are there because Israel has chosen to allow them to remain. Israel answers to no one - definitely not to the UN and probably not much more than that to the US. They have proven, on several occasions, that the Arabs do not scare them. I think it is time that the UN and perhaps the rest of the world should probably acknowledge their existance. I don't think they are really asking the world for much more than that. Your turn.
Life isn't always a bowl of cherries, sometimes it's more like a jar of Jalapenos --- what you say or do today might burn your ass tomorrow!!!