I think it does have to do with your age. I'm 27 and the newest game in my top 5 would be an Original Playstation game. I don't know, Maybe it doesn't have so much to do with age as it does with your mind being more first come first serve that it's not willing to accept new games into your top 5 so it holds on to the old games. I've played some REALLY good games in the last 5 years. God of War 2, Gears of War, Fallout 3, Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, Bioshock etc. There have also been great arcade games like Geometry wars and Braid which are absolutely fantastic.
I just can't bring myself to say they're as good as FF7, Zelda:Link to the past, Castlevania:SOTN and a few other games though. I've gone back to each of those games over and over and I still love them.
“It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick” - Dave Barry