Thread: Birdies!
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Old 08-01-2009, 02:31 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Sorry, I'm a little tipsy and shouldn't be posting..

I was coming in the house tonight and there was this Chuck-Wills-Widow singing away somewhere in the field behind my house. I remember we used to have Whip-poor-wills but one year they left and the chuckwillswidows came.. I wonder what happened to the whippoorwills. Funny most people call chuckwillswidows whippoorwills around here. I might not have known they were two different birds until later in life but I sure as hell knew the song changed sometime when I was a teenager and my dad refused to believe me... He's not very observant..

Anyways. Goodnight and feel free to discuss anything birdlike in this thread. Except Bird Flu. None of that.
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