Originally Posted by aceventura3
I also want the schools to talk about the poverty rates of children born from single teen mothers.
I want the schools to talk about and show the consequences of STD's
I want the school to talk about what rape is, and the rights they have.
I don't want schools passing out condoms.
I don't want counselors giving medical advise on birth control pills for individual girls.
I want the schools to educate teens about the porn industry, prostitution, sexual slavery, etc., in a factual manner.
I have no problem with information and education. But the schools should adopt a policy of abstinence being the expectation for teens. I don't want a wink, wink, we know you are going to do it attitude.
Okay, but you've got to know, that list of wants and don't-wants just gave Sarah Palin the vapors. You're VASTLY VASTLY VASTLY more liberal than she is regarding sex education. The gulf between your views and hers are VAST. There's just no other word for it.
I know you don't know what her positions are but support her positions anyway, but... I suggest that it might be wise of you to educate yourself on a politician before hitching yourself to the letter that follows their name.